Family Focused Bills

House and Senate Bills

Senate Only Bills

House Only Bills

NumberYearPro-Family StanceTitleBillBill DescriptionHouseSenateLegislative Result
12022SupportParental Review of Sexually Explicit MaterialsSB 656Ensures parents are notified about, and given the chance to review, any sexually explicit curriculum being used in their public school classroom.52Y - 46N20Y - 18NLaw
22022SupportEnd Mask Mandate and Return to In-Person SchoolSB 739Requires school divisions to provide in-person instruction and eliminates the mask mandates for students – ensuring parental rights about masking are respected.52Y - 48N#21Y - 17N#Law
32022SupportPublic Employee Free SpeechHB 384Established protections for local and state public employees to speak on matters of public importance at meetings of local and state governing bodies.72Y - 27N-1A#26Y - 14N#Vetoed by Governor
42022SupportStudent Incident ReportingSB36 / HB 4Requires school principals report to law enforcement certain misdemeanor offenses and the parents of any minor student who is the target of the offense.65Y - 34N#27Y - 13N#Law
52023SupportEssential ChurchesHB 2171Prohibits executive action from treating places of worship different from businesses deemed essential during times of emergency.53Y - 43N35Y - 5NLaw
62022SupportHyde AmendmentHB 30 Gov. Amend. #30Eliminated taxpayer funding of abortions of babies believed to have developmental abnormalities.51Y - 45N20Y - 19N*Failed in Senate
72022OpposePolygamous MarriageHR 24 Rule change / SJ 5Began the process of amending the state constitution to replace current man/woman recognition with language that recognizes any arrangements, with no limit on number of spouses.52Y^ - 48N25Y - 14N*Failed in House
82023OpposeUnrestricted AbortionHR 323 Rule change / SJ 255 Began the process to amend the state constitution to enshrine abortion on demand with no limitations up to the moment of birth.50Y^ - 45N21Y - 18N*Failed in House
92023SupportIndividual Income Tax ReliefHB 2319 / SB 1451Lowered the top income tax rate 5.5% and raised the standard deduction to $9,000 for single individuals and $18,000 for married persons.52Y - 48N11Y - 5N*Failed in Senate Fin. & Approp.
102023SupportPrivate School Scholarship ExpansionHB 1821 / SB 1360Increased the credit amount for scholarship tax credits from 65% to 100% and expanded the eligibility of children who can qualify for the program.50Y - 48N11Y - 5N*Failed in Senate Fin. & Approp.
112022SupportFaith-based Ministry ProtectionsHB 753Protected the right of faith-based ministries to carry out their religious mission without threats of lawsuits and fines under the VA Human Rights Act.54Y - 45N8Y - 7N*Failed in Sen. Gen. Laws & Tech
122023SupportFairness in Female SportsHB 1387Prohibited biological males from competing in all-female K-12 and collegiate sports teams.51Y - 47N10Y - 5N*Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
132023Support"Sage's Law" - Parents Right to KnowHB 2432Required schools to inform parents if their child is identifying as another gender and prohibited parents from being deemed “abusive” for affirming their child’s biological sex.50Y - 48N9Y - 6N*Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
142023SupportParental Access to Minors Medical RecordsHB 1711 / SB 1070Clarified that parents can obtain access to all of their child's medical records.52Y - 48N10Y - 5N*Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
152022/2023SupportBorn Alive Infant Protection ActHB 304 / HB 1795Required a licensed physician to provide reasonable medical care for any baby that survives a failed abortion.52Y - 48N9Y - 6N*
Failed in Sen. Rules & Sen. Ed. & Health
162023SupportInformed Consent for an AbortionHB 2270Restores the requirement that abortion providers obtain a woman's fully informed written consent prior to the performance of an abortion, which was eliminated by legislation that was passed in 2020.52Y - 47N10Y - 5N*Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
172022/2023OpposeMarijuana CommercializationSB 391 / SB 1133Created a retail market framework for the sale of recreational marijuana in Virginia.12Y^ - 10N$
5Y^ - 3N
24Y - 16N*Failed in House General Laws
182022SupportSex Education Opt-inHB 789Required schools to obtain permission from parents for their child to participate in Family Life Education (i.e., sex education).50Y - 49N12Y - 3N*Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
192022SupportAnti-CRT EducationHB 787Prohibited school boards or employees from using a curriculum that teaches core tenets of Critical Race Theory, including that certain people are inherently racist.50Y - 49N-Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
202023SupportEducation Savings AccountsHB 1508Created education savings accounts for qualified students to use for certain education-related expenses, including tuition at a private elementary school or secondary school located in the Commonwealth and tutoring.11Y - 10N - 1NV-Rereferred and Left in House Education
212022/2023OpposePhysician Assisted SuicideSB 668 / SB 930Allowed a medical doctor to prescribe an adult diagnosed with a terminal condition life-ending medication.-7Y^ - 7N - 1A
9Y^ - 5N
Failed in Sen. Ed. & Health
222022OpposeExpand “Non-Discrimination” to Small CompaniesSB 494Subjected employers with five or more employees, instead of 15 or more, to potential Virginia Human Rights Act complaints and fines for discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. -21Y - 19N*Failed in House Commerce and Energy

^ Pro-family vote was “Yea.” *Pro-family vote was “No.”
ß Education Committee vote used in place of House Approp. vote that re-referred to Education.
# Vote is for the orginal bill prior to the Governor’s Amendment. $ House Committee voted to continue SB 391 to 2023, efectively defeating the bill.”